Why content on Dermedia is is not entirely free?
Like most good things in life Dermpedia needs funds to operate. Just think about the software, hardware, hosting, video production costs, user tracking, CME-accreditation, ACGME red tape.
Is subscription to Dermpedia required to register for a CME-Course or get access to an individual a la carte lecture?
No. If you do not want to become a subscriber, you can go directly to the catalog and select the contents you want to purchase. However, you we hope that you will become a subscriber.
What are the benefits of subscription to Dermpedia?
Subscription revenue supports the maintenance of the website, especially all free live events such as Microscopic Sessions and Workshops. Access to all recordings of these events is a subscriber benefit.
Can my Department/Institution/Society pay for my courses or videos?
Yes. Departments/Institutions/Societies can purchase discount coupons for their members for a total or partial value on a catalog item or a subscription. Go HERE for more information.
What is an In-Person Course?
A course you attend in person. Attendees of an In-Person Course will be automatically entitled to the Online Course based on the event they attended (if produced), so you will be able to watch the Course again and again.
What is an Online Course?
A course consisting of a series of educational videos. An Online Course can be created de novo or can be based on recordings of an In-Person Course or a Slide Seminar/Microscopic Sessions.
What is a Slide Seminar/Microscopic Session ?
It is an Online workshop consisting of a videos of the faculty analyzing microscopic slides at a microscope or scanned digital slides.
Does Dermpedia offer live events ?
Yes. Consults with Dr. Z and Workshops are examples of free live events. These are free but prior registration is required.
Who is the intended audience of Dermpedia Courses?
Experienced practitioners, fellows and very motivated residents.
Do I need to sign in to watch videos on Dermpedia Courses?
Some content does not require prior registration. Registration is required for access to the content and CME Courses.
How long it takes to get registered and use Dermpedia?
Less than a minute.
What personal information will I need to provide to register?
Full name and professional title, institutional affiliation and an email address. Please check our Privacy Policy for details.
Will registration with Dermpedia result in increased email spam?