2023 Dermpedia Course Instructions and Important Links

Bookmark this page!

Thank you for registering for 2023 Dermpedia CME Course.

Here, you will find important access links to the Course Zoom Events Lobby, Cases and all the Mandatory Forms.

Please bookmark this page for easy access.


We are looking forward interacting with your in person or on-line

Things to do now (step by step)!

  1. Bookmark/Add to Favorites this page. You will use it often. It has links to all Course documents and slide preview forms.

  2. Make sure that you have a Zoom Account associated with the same email you registered with (Course ID email). It is the email which we send the Course communications to. This email may be different from the one that you typically use to access Zoom at work. You can set up a new Zoom Account at https://zoom.us

  3. Join the Course Lobby at https://events.zoom.us entering your Dermpedia ID-associated Zoom account email. (notice that https://events.zoom.us is different from https://zoom.us) or from a Join link send by Zoom Events to your Course ID email

  4. If your login does not work, it means that you tried to log in with an email other than your Course ID. 

    Check the spelling of your email. Try to use sign with Google, Apple, etc. options. Alternatively, your company's Zoom Account (if you registered with a company and not your private email) does not allow for its use for a non-company business. Check the spelling of your email.

  5. If you fail, let us know by an email. We will be able to help.

  6. If you want to bring a guest or significant other to the Course Reception at Crystal Palace on the Market Square  buy their tickets HERE (it is going to be really good one)

Important Tasks and Housekeeping Information

  • The online meeting will officially open at midnight (European time) of May 13th (6 pm EST US time on Friday, May 12th) with Dr. Z's brief Welcome Course introduction and Course Instructions. Please join Dr. Z if you can.

  • To reduce IT issues anxiety, plan attending a practice Session on Monday afternoon/evening. Exact time TBD will be posted in the lobby. Join the Registration Session on Tuesday at 7:30 am. 

  • All live sessions will be automatically recorded and posted to the lobby. If you miss a live session you will be able to catch up later. 

  • The Lobby will remain open till June 11th. You will be able to watch the recordings till than.

  • Dermpedia members who registered for the live Course will have access to the on-demand Course which will launch in June. If you are not a member, become one by registering at https://dermpedia.org/pages/subscribe

  • (In person participants) If you want to preview the cases at the venue, bring your own laptop or tablet-fully charged. Previewing cases on an Ipad works great. Cell phone is too small. Access wifi at the venue using the following login:

    Login: maximumwifi@uj.edu.pl
    Password: Dermpedia_2023

  • (Online participants) Make sure you have decent internet.

  • Best to check in and preview the cases before the live event. You can do it from the links provided in this document (see below)

  • Links to the Cases and the Mandatory Forms will also be available from the Zoom Events Lobby.

  • Preview of cases is required to claim all the 21  CME credits.

  • The Sessions will start sharp on time. Join the Lobby ahead of time (suggested at least 30 min) to get settled on the Zoom Event, create your profile and learn how to use chat, etc.

  • Open the link below to join the Course WhatsApp Group https://chat.whatsapp.com/L5N6tK7nWid1KkdSk6eDj5

  • Please contact us with any questions or concerns to:



Zoom Events Lobby

This is a virtual meeting space where all registered participants will access the Course Sessions during the live Event.

Make sure you are able to access the Lobby ahead of time.

You have to use a Zoom account associated with the Course email ID (the same email you registered with) to access the Course.

Deadline: ASAP! (allow plenty of time to get access and become comfortable with the virtual event space)

You will also be able to join the lobby from the registration confirmation email from Zoom Events

Join Zoom Events Lobby

Mandatory Check-in

Before you begin the Course, please check-in (why not to do it now and be done with it?)

Deadline: May 16 at 8am

Click here

Preview cases 1-13

Artur Zembowicz, M.D., Ph.D.

Deadline: May 16 at 2 pm (plan 1.5 hr to complete)

Click here

Preview cases 14-25

Phillip LeBoit, M.D.

Deadline: May 16 at 2 pm (plan 1.5 hr to complete)

Click here

Preview cases 26-38

Richard Scolyer, M.D.

Deadline: May 17 at 2 pm (plan 1.5 hr to complete)

Click here

Preview cases 39-50

Richard Scolyer, M.D.

Deadline: May 17 at 2 pm (plan 1.5 hr to complete)

Click here

Preview cases 51-62

Nneka Comfere, M.D.

Deadline: May 18 at 2 pm (plan 1.5 hr to complete)

Click here

Preview cases 63-75

Artur Zembowicz, M.D., Ph.D.

Deadline: May 18 at 2 pm (plan 1.5 hr to complete)

Click here

Mandatory Check-out Quiz

A passing score is required in order to obtain the CME Certificate

Deadline: May 18 at 11:45 pm (recommended ASAP after the end of the Course)

Click Here

Mandatory Course Evaluations

Please Evaluate the Course and claim your CME hours. Required to obtain a CME Certificate.

Deadline: May 18 at 11:45 pm (recommended ASAP after the end of the Course)

Click Here

Live Course Agenda (European time)

Please join live Sessions from the Course Lobby

Go to Course Lobby to Join Live Sessions

Saturday 5/13/2023

12AM (midnight)-12:10am Welcome, Introduction and Course Instructions

Access to the afternoon sessions through the Course's Lobby on Zoom Events

Artur Zembowicz, M.D., Ph.D.

Tuesday 5/18/2023

7:30am-8:00am Registration and Practice Session (please come/join early to get settled and test your equipment)

8:00am-12:00pm (noon) Self-StudyCase Preview: Cases 1-25:

Melanocytic Tumors With Known Genetic Abnormalities, Adnexal Neoplasms and Inflammatory Dermatopathology

Cases 1-13

Cases 12-25

12:00-2:00PM Lunch on your own

Access to the afternoon sessions through the Course's Lobby on Zoom Events

2:00am-4:00pm Artur Zembowicz Cases 1-13

4:00pm-4:30pm Coffee break

4:30pm-6:30pm Philip LeBoit Cases 14-25

7:30pm-9:30pm       Course Reception

Wednesday 5/17/2023

8:00am-12:00am (noon) Self-Study Case Preview: Cases 26-50: Melanocytic Tumors and Soft Tissue Tumors

Cases 25-38

Cases 38-50

12:00-2:00PM Lunch on your own

Access to the afternoon sessions through the Course's Lobby on Zoom Events

2:00am-4:00 pm Richard Scolyer Cases 26-38

4:00pm-4:30 pm Coffee break

4:30pm-6:30 pm Richard Scolyer Cases 39-50

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Thursday, May 18, 2023

8:00am-12:00pm (noon)

Self-Study Case Preview: Cases 51-75: Inflammatory Dermatopathology and Cutaneous Lymphoma

Cases 51-63

Cases 64-75

12:00-2:00PM Lunch on your own

Access to the afternoon sessions through the Course's Lobby on Zoom Events

2:00am-4:00 pm Nneka Comfere Cases 51-63

4:00pm-4:30pm Coffee break

4:30pm-6:30pm Artur Zembowicz Cases 64-75

6:30pm Course Wrap up, Check-out, Evaluations, CME Credits Claim