A flashback from the past - https://www.darkdaily.com/2009/11/20/meet-the-virtual-dermatopathology-lab-doing-global-business-from-boston-120/ It took longer for telepathology to reach the mainstream that we thougth. I was and still am one of the pioneers in this space. I think that finally it is a matter of a few years before I will be signing out consults digitally at www.dermatopathologyconsultations.com. While it does not make any sense to scan the slides when the diagnosis can be made by putting it on the microscope, it is happening!
Dermpedia WOWs: We are test-driving a new videos discussing philosophical aspects related to practice of dermatopathology. Please check the Consults for 🦉WOW
A recent Mailer to the Dermpedia Members:
Dear Colleague,
I hope this message finds you well. Dr. Pedram Gerami and I are excited to announce that we have begun preparing the content for the April 23-25, 2025 Dermpedia Course: Genetic-Pathological Correlations in Non-Spitz Melanocytic Tumors. Here are some highlights to share!
Building on the success of the groundbreaking 2021 Dermpedia Course on Genetic-Pathological Correlations in Spitz Tumors, this year's course promises to be even more advanced and insightful. With the knowledge gained from diagnosing hundreds of melanocytic tumors through Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) over the past five years, the 2025 course will focus on Genetic-Pathological Correlations in Common Non-Spitz Melanocytic Lesions.
The course will follow a similar format to the 2021 event but will incorporate significant updates, including enhanced virtual meeting technology and 4K resolution imaging, (which was highly praised by attendees of the 2024 Soft Tissue Tumors Course with Steve Billings).
Course Highlights:
Case Reviews from Recent Expert Consensus Papers focusing on challenging BRAF-mutated, spitzoid, desmoplastic/spindle cell, and deep-penetrating melanocytic tumors:
BRAF Mutated and Morphologically Spitzoid Tumors, a Subgroup of Melanocytic Neoplasms Difficult to Distinguish From True Spitz Neoplasms (Am J Surg Pathol. 2024 May 1;48(5):538-545)
The Impact of Next-generation Sequencing on Interobserver Agreement and Diagnostic Accuracy of Desmoplastic Melanocytic Neoplasms (Am J Surg Pathol. 2024 Jun 1;48(6):708-718)
Key Details:
Course Dates: Live sessions will take place throughout the course, with recordings available in the Course Lobby until April 28th, 11:45 pm.
Previews & Early Access: Case materials will be available starting April 8th, so you can prepare ahead of time.
Sustaining Dermpedia Members: If you're a Sustaining Member, you’ll have free access to the on-demand version of the course once it closes.
Discounts & Registration: If you're not currently a member, consider joining to receive live access and a $100 discount on the course fee. The Early Registration deadline is February 28th, so don’t miss out!
We recommend taking time off work to fully immerse yourself in the course, though it’s also possible to balance it with work if you plan ahead.
The Course Lobby is already open for registered participants. Dr. Gerami and I look forward to interacting with you soon. We look forward to your participation.
Artur Zembowicz, M.D. Ph.D.
Professor of Anatomic and Clinical Pathology, Tufts Medical School
Senior Consultant in Dermatopathology, Lahey Clinic, Burlington, MA
Founder, www.Dermpedia.org
Medical Director, www.DermatopathologyConsultations.com
c/o Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates
Department of Pathology
152 Second Avenue, Needham Heights, MA 02494
Tel. 617 5491168
You will be able to preview cases from a recent paper https://www.modernpathology.org/article/S0893-3952(25)00003-1/abstract during the upcoming 2025 Dermpedia CME Course. Register to join me and Dr. Pedram Gerami discussing these and other cases of non-Spitz tumors with known genetic abnormalities https://dermpedia.org/catalog

Stay Ahead in Dermpath! Improve your Diagnostic Accuracy for Melanocytic Lesions and Enhance your Skills in Genetic Testing. Join Us at the Virtual 2025 Dermpedia CME Course: Genetic-Pathological Correlations in Non-Spitz Melanocytic Tumors.
I talked to another practice interested in dermpath consults, coverage and locums. I notice that there may be a shortage of dermatopathologists developing in the US. I am glad as www.dermatopathologyconsultations.com practice offers an alternative to hiring a dermatopathologist.
New Consults and Workshops Zoom Events Platform has been launched. I like it a lot.
The Workshop on inflammatory dermpath with Jeff North is up!. Jeff was great and the event turned out to be an immersive experience for all. Check it out at https://dermpedia.org/programs/inflammatory-skin-diseases-jeff-north-md
I am excited to announce that Dr. Christina Ko, M.D. (Yale University) will be joining me at Dermpedia Consults next year to share her challenging cases and talk about different philosophical aspects dermpath. In addition to being an accomplished dermatopathologist Christina is a mom, book author and a podcaster.
Keep in mind the benefits of becoming a Dermpedia Member. Among other things, you will have access to the entire Dermpedia Archives, and all your CME Courses. Do not foreget a $100 discount for CME-Accredited Courses. https://dermpedia.org/join_us